Everything Good Old is New Again

Games father confirmed sequels, immaterial sequels, spin-offs, and remakes even decades after the originals were released, merely nostalgia is a funny matter; despite the low-resolution graphics and the bum medicine, some classical games ingest a witching put over us that neo production values can't put back. If your old favorite was settled on the PC, you have a friend in Good Old Games (GOG). GOG's mission is to track pile classic PC games, start them running along modern operating systems, get rid of the digital rights direction (DRM) bits, and resign them hindmost into the marketplace. Hobbyists stimulate been doing this for years, so wherefore pay for the privilege? It comes down to convenience, and factoring in the time and effort mandatory to get an erstwhile bet on working, GOG is a dicker.


The whole matter started with the guys at Brush u distributor CD Projekt, who got their start distributing games in the mid-90s. United of their early successes was emotional budget PC titles in the Polish market. Combine this experience with a personal love for classic PC games, they founded GOG as a subsidiary. "The idea came from [400 Projekt's] urge to act as some classic PC games like Radioactive dust, Baldur's Logic gate, and Duke Nukem," explains GOG's PR and Marketing Manager, Lukasz Kukawski. "Just when they started to hunt for those games they came to a realization that many games aren't available anywhere to bribe legally, and even if you own them you'd have lots of issues running them on modern computers. So they were like 'Hey, let's use our business contacts and create a integer dispersion platform with those classic games.'"

IT's one thing to collect a smattering of personal favorites and get them running, but putt in collaboration an entire digital distribution system? This was much just a weekend project. "The next couple of months were strictly dedicated to analyzing the whole number distribution market, construction a number of the most requested titles by gamers, expanding the construct of the serving and preparing the design and programming pull of the project," says Kukawski. From in that respect, things grew rapidly. "At introductory the squad was a small group of designers and web-developers, but it quickly grew into a aggroup of 20 people including more designers and developers, patronage development people, a band of support/testers and some selling folks."

Within months the company was up and running play, but what about the games? The Interplay and Codemasters libraries were a good start, but the list of classics is diverse. "First of whol, the games we release on GOG.com have to, or at least we hope they act, fulfill requirements that result from the name of the service: Good Stale Games. They cannot follow new releases. As a rein we've picked, our games should be at least 3 years old. If our community would like a game from the early 80's, we wouldn't mind releasing IT." Still, there's no telling which titles will trigger that unhappy reaction, and the GOG team knows it. Says Kukawski, "Some games sporting have something that makes you excited when you see the intro or hear the main music report. You can't reasonably explain IT, you just feel it." Since in that respect's no guarantee that all gamers will respond the same way to any peerless spunky, the solution is simple: offer more games. "We're trying to bring rearmost games that were critically acclaimed by gamers and journalists, but also those that for different reasons (bad marketing, release date, etc.) haven't achieved huge commercial winner, merely still are considered as cult games. We try to bring a extensive selection of games, so if anyone comes finished and takes a look up at the catalogue, they can find something that will match their taste."

Choosing games is a wily business, and GOG has help from the community. "Earlier GOG.com even launched we did research and created a long number of the most requested old games that people are looking for on the internet. We also have a 'just about wanted' listing on GOG.com that is an indicator for us what games our community expects." However, just because gamers want a halt doesn't mean that GOG can whir IT. For starters, there's the question of who owns the rights. What happens if the groundbreaking developer isn't around anymore? "Lots of publishers and developers have bankrupted, been bought by unusual companies, sold rights to their games to strange companies, etc. And so it's really a hell of a chore to find the right-wing people to talk to most those old games. Having the support of CD Projekt WHO distributed many another PC titles to the Polish market in the 90s definitely helps us in approaching the right populate."


Tracking pour down the rights to a game is just the first stride in the acquisition process. The incoming step is convincing the owners to let GOG sell the games. "If we at long last cope to puzzle out who owns what IPs we're contacting the owners of the games and another stage starts in the process. We have to exhibit the bid, negociate the conditions and agreeing happening legal terms," explains Kukawski. This sometimes turns impossible to be a trifle of a job, even for games that haven't been on the market in decades. "With our come on to DRM this give notice be hard As hell, as in more cases we have to convince the rights owners that marketing their products without whatsoever rather copy auspices is actually a good idea and it doesn't mean the games leave start out pirated. We motivation to convince them that the games that are laying in their archives and getting soiled can be monetized and bring a lot of good PR. Reviving the brands that were erst very touristy can even help with new games, and so it's a win-win situation for everyone." The only matter left is to agree connected price, but even that presents its possess challenges. "This stage also includes negotiating prices of games, shares of revenue, etc. When everything is clear, the agreement goes to the legal section, where it tail end get stuck for weeks. In umteen cases that's the to the highest degree time consuming level in the whole process, and it's for sure the most boring one."

With the paperwork out of the way, the technical foul genius starts. In some ways, GOG is like a development studio apartment, just functional with pre-existing code and graphics assets. "Programmers get their men on masters to optimize them to run on Win XP/Prospect/7, testers check the builds, the product team starts working on game pages, additional materials, etc., while the design team prepares all the graphics. When games get ultimately released we only hope that our users are as happy and excited as we were piece on the job connected them."

Information technology all sounds so straightforward, but sometimes classics were temperamental even indorse when they were new, and nostalgia doesn't extend to fussing with proprietary memory managers, sound card IRQ settings, or EMM386.exe. "Compatibility with modern operative systems is unity of the features that is real remarkable for us. In many cases straight if you have the freehand disks of many games from the past, there is a life-size probability they North Korean won't work on your recent, lightning-fastened computer with Vista or [Windows] 7. The idea behind GOG.com was to create a harry-free and user friendly Service where people can come, buy a gimpy, download it, install and swordplay without whatsoever problems," emphasizes Kukawski. That job is easier said than done, and Lukas jokes that the march is supported conjuring trick. In actuality, that charming sometimes takes the form of code borrowed from other community-based projects. "For DOS settled games we're using DOSBox and ScummVM to guarantee the compatibility. We're really glad to the great guys behind both DOSBox and ScummVM, that they allowed the States to use their corking software." Sometimes though, the GOG programmers are on their own: "for other than DOS-founded games our staff is using their skills to nominate them knead properly, and sometimes it's not an easy task as we don't cause access to source codes of the games."


The complexness involved in resurrecting an echt spunky means information technology stern take a farsighted time to bring even one title to commercialise. "First of all it all depends if all the licensing agreements are owned by one company or they are spread across a couple. In the latter example, signing an agreement for so much a release can take up to a couple years. And then if we have the deal gestural we need without doubt that the game runs on modern Windows systems – DOS settled games usually require only some tweaking, just for example Windows 95 games are our programmers' worst nightmares, as they require lots of work. We also try to include as galore additional materials with every release as we can, and so if we can't find some cool goodies information technology also can slow down the whole process. So as you can see there are lots of different reasons that affect how fast the game arse equal released in GOG.com. In some extreme situations this could take from a few months to a couple of years."

Classic games are like old friends, and the folks at GOG have through with a tremendous amount to work to bring those classics back, even if the process sometimes takes years. The silver lining to the lengthy process is in knowing that the games themselves are dateless classics, and the specialised genius is being used to revive a very special kind of magic: that of nostalgia.

Alan Au is a freelance writer, domain, and games industriousness advocate. When atomic number 2 isn't drudging replaying standard PC games, he spends his time exploring the connection between games, education, and health.


Source: https://www.escapistmagazine.com/everything-good-old-is-new-again/

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