You Fail Me Again Captain Needa

This article details a subject that is considered canon.

For other uses, see Firmus.

"I accept been promoted to admiral, effective immediately, assuming Admiral Ozzel's command."
―Firmus Piett [src]

Firmus Piett, a man male native to Axxila, was an Imperial officer who served in the naval forces of the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Ceremonious War. At the time of the Battle of Hoth, he served as start officeholder of the Star Dreadnought Executor—flagship of the Sith Lord Darth Vader—assisting Admiral Kendal Ozzel. After Ozzel committed a fatal mistake during the hunt for the Rebel Alliance, Piett was promoted to admiral and given command of Vader'due south flagship. Piett served in that capacity until the Boxing of Endor, where he served equally a Fleet Admiral, when the Imperial Navy confronted the Rebel Fleet around the second Death Star battle station in the year 4 ABY. The admiral perished aboard his starship when Arvel Crynyd's A-wing starfighter crashed into the Executor 'southward bridge.


  • i Biography
    • 1.1 Early life and career
    • 1.2 Search for the Rebels
    • ane.iii Admiralty
    • 1.4 Boxing over Jekara
    • 1.5 Dogfight in the Hudalla organization
    • Death at Endor
    • 1.7 Legacy
  • 2 Personality and traits
  • iii Behind the scenes
  • 4 Appearances
  • 5 Sources
  • 6 Notes and references

Biography [ ]

Early life and career [ ]

"Y'all see, Piett? Nosotros should never hesitate to utilize the lash, when necessary—simply in that location are moments when the lure is fifty-fifty more than constructive."
―Chiliad Moff Tarkin, to Firmus Piett [src]

Born a male person human, Firmus Piett hailed from Axxila, a planet located in the Outer Rim Territories of the galaxy. At some point, Piett joined the starfleet of Palpatine's Galactic Empire, and rose through the ranks.[1] As a inferior officer under the command of Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin, he attended the planet Jelucan's introduction anniversary into the Galactic Empire, following its conquest eight years afterward the Clone Wars.[ix]

Search for the Rebels [ ]

"I think we've got something, sir. The report is just a fragment from a probe droid in the Hoth system, only it's the best pb we've had."
"We have thousands of probe droids searching the milky way. I want proof, not leads!"
―Firmus Piett and Kendal Ozzel — (audio) Listen (file info) [src]

By iii ABY,[2] Piett had been made a Flag Helm.[10] He was stationed on the Executor, a Super Star Destroyer that acted every bit the flagship of Darth Vader, the correct-hand man of Emperor Sheev Palpatine himself. The mission of Vader's personal fleet of Star Destroyers, the Expiry Squadron, was to search the milky way for the Rebel Alliance's surreptitious base of operations.[7]

On the Executor, Piett was subordinate to Admiral Kendal Ozzel, whom he saw equally a pompous and incompetent officeholder.[4] Piett was notably tasked with collecting and analyzing information sent by Imperial probe droids looking for traces of the Rebels. When information came in from a probe exploring the Hoth system, Piett chosen out to Admiral Ozzel while Vader was present on the bridge. Vader recognized the information as a solid pb on the location of the Rebel headquarters, and he ordered the Death Squadron to set course for the icy earth of Hoth.[7]

Admiralty [ ]

Ozzel: "Lord Vader, the armada has moved out of lightspeed, and we're preparing to—"
Darth Vader: "You take failed me for the last time, Admiral. Helm Piett."
Firmus Piett: "Yes, my Lord."
Darth Vader: "Make ready to country our troops beyond their free energy shield and deploy the armada so that goose egg gets off the arrangement. You lot are in control now, Admiral Piett."
Firmus Piett: "Thank you, Lord Vader."
―Firmus Piett'south promotion[src]

Piett receives his promotion to admiral

Even so, Admiral Ozzel made a complete mess of the Death Squadron's arroyo to Hoth, taking the ships out of hyperspace also close to the system. As the Rebels were at present enlightened of the Empire'south presence, they were able to cock a defense shield over their base of operations, preventing whatsoever orbital battery. Captain Piett stood at Ozzel'due south side when Darth Vader force choked the admiral. With Ozzel dead, the Emperor'due south right-hand homo promoted Helm Piett to admiral at that moment. Piett's first action equally an admiral of the Purple Navy was to gild the disposal of his predecessor's corpse.[7]

Thanks to the intervention of Full general Veers' ground force, the Empire managed to get the upper hand on Hoth, forcing the Rebels to evacuate. Despite the orbital occludent imposed past the Death Squadron, many enemy ships managed to fall through the cracks under the cover fire from the Rebel'south planetary ion cannon. Subsequently, Admiral Piett was ordered to rail one of the fleeing ships, the Millennium Falcon. With that vessel and its crew of Han Solo, Leia Organa, C-3PO, and Chewbacca as allurement, Vader was confident he could lure Luke Skywalker into a trap.[7]

Nether Piett'south command, the Executor then engaged in the pursuit of the Millennium Falcon.[vii] One of the bridge crew that served under his command during the pursuit was Lieutenant Commander Ciena Ree.[9] When it transpired that the Rebel craft was hiding in the Hoth organisation'due south asteroid field, the admiral was concerned that droppings would cause significant impairment to Death Squadron'due south vessels. Vader, withal, ignored Piett'south advice, ordering the fleet to enter the asteroid field. True to his words, the asteroid field brutally punished the Imperial fleet with repeated falling star impacts, destroying at to the lowest degree ane Star Destroyer and causing significant damage. In a holographic conference with Vader and the commanders of the other Destroyers, i of whom was killed during the meeting when his Destroyer was obliterated, Captain Lorth Needa voiced his belief that the insubordinate ship must logically take been destroyed considering the harm they had taken, but Vader insisted that they were still alive and ordered him to keep searching. Shortly thereafter, Piett joined the conference later receiving word that Emperor Palpatine himself demanded to speak with his correct manus homo, informing Vader. On Vader's orders, he moved the Executor out of the asteroid field, in hopes of sending a clear transmission.[7]

Piett monitoring coiffure members

To Admiral Piett's discreet distaste, Vader later assembled a motley crew of bounty hunters on the Executor 's span, enlisting them in his rail for the Millennium Falcon. However, after the Nighttime Lord spoke with the hunters, amongst them[seven] the legendary[11] Boba Fett, Piett reported that the Falcon had been found, as they had received a priority signal from the Avenger. However, the Star Destroyer ultimately lost the craft, and Vader executed its captain, Lorth Needa, to business relationship for the failure. Immediately subsequently, Piett reported that their scan was complete and in that location was no sign of the Falcon. Vader ordered for every possible hyperspace destination to exist calculated, and threatened that Piett could not neglect him over again, but the Falcon truly had hidden on the conning tower of the Avenger. While the crew believed they could only escape, disguised with the garbage dumped earlier the warship jumped away, they were followed by Fett. The Empire soon learned they had left to Bespin, and Vader launched a trap for Skywalker. To forestall a possible Rebel escape, Piett'southward forces deactivated the Millennium Falcon 'due south hyperdrive[7] on Vader's orders.[9]

While Captain Solo was imprisoned in carbonite and given to Fett, Skywalker, C-3PO, R2-D2, Organa, Chewbacca, and their new ally Lando Calrissian managed to escape Cloud Urban center. Nonetheless, Piett assured Vader that the Falcon 's hyperdrive was disabled. Vader ordered for a boarding party to be prepared, with their blasters set to stun. Once he believed information technology was right, Piett ordered for the tractor beam, but R2-D2 had learned the hyperdrive was disabled and reactivated it. The Rebel freighter escaped to lightspeed, causing clear surprise and fear in Piett. However, Vader, later taking a glance back to where the ship had been, simply walked abroad from the viewport and past Piett.[7] Ultimately, Piett managed to escape the wrath of his superior, equally he survived.[iii]

Directly later on, Piett was contacted by Thousand Vizier Mas Amedda on behalf of the Emperor by hologram. Subsequently Piett confirmed that the Millennium Falcon had escaped, Amedda informed the admiral that the Emperor wanted Vader to immediately contact him. Piett took out his comlink to contact Vader to relay the Vizier's message only to take another officer plow his attention to the bridge viewport where he witnessed Vader's shuttle departing the Executor. Piett tried to hail the shuttle simply to witness it jump into hyperspace. Amedda addressed the admiral, who cautiously stated that Vader was currently unavailable. In his throne room in the Majestic Palace on Coruscant, the Emperor started to laugh after hearing Piett's response while the hologram of the admiral looked on.[12]

Battle over Jekara [ ]

Piett was ordered to take the Executor to Jekara to oversee the transfer of the frozen carbonite block of Han Solo from the ongoing sale beingness run by Crimson Dawn. While there, the send detected the arrival of a unmarried X-wing. At first, Piett presumed it to exist affiliated with the criminal syndicates gathered for the auction, voicing his displeasure and hope that Vader would gild their extermination in one case he completed his business on Jekara. Afterward hearing confirmation of the ship'due south design, Piett correctly presumed it to be affiliated with the Rebellion and thus ordered a fighter wing be deployed with the goal of pushing the X-fly into range of the Executor and its tractor beam, hopefully allowing them the hazard to interrogate the pilot, although Piett did non discount the possibility of destroying the transport outright.[13]

During the dogfight, several stray shots from the Imperial side managed to hit the Son-tuul Pride War Cruiser Dark Syndicate. This and so gave the Night Syndicate the pretext it needed to assail the Empire'south ships, which in turn gave the Rebel pilot the take a chance it needed to temporarily escape. Piett then ordered the Executor to burn on the Dark Syndicate, which proceeded to annihilate the War Cruiser with 1 volley. Piett so remarked that he hoped the display would serve equally a lesson to the criminal syndicates. Piett was so informed that Vader was giving the order to found a direct line of advice between Vader and the Insubordinate pilot in the X-wing. Piett was taken ashamed past the order and was fifty-fifty further confused when he learned that Vader wanted the pilot taken alive. Piett then established the comm link as instructed.[13] Piett then contacted Vader before long subsequently to inform him that the X-wing was fleeing. He then asked for further orders from Vader.[xiv]

Dogfight in the Hudalla system [ ]

"Those aren't mynocks in the planetary ring. They're most certainly rebel spies."
"We'll take care of it, sir."
"One of the rebels must escape. Yous're to see to information technology that at least one of the pilots manages to get in to hyperspace. Across that, it'due south irrelevant whether the residuum live or die."
"Consider it handled, Admiral Piett."
―Firmus Piett and Ciena Ree [src]

Later, Admiral Piett assembled a group of Royal officers including the at present-Commander Ciena Ree and her friend Nash Windrider for a patrol in the outer edge of the planet Hudalla's band. In private, Piett told Commander Ree that there were insubordinate spies in the planetary ring. He tasked her with ensuring that at least 1 of the pilots escaped into hyperspace. During the dogfight, Ciena and Nash encountered their former fellow cadet Thane Kyrell, who had joined the Insubordinate Alliance'southward Corona Squadron. Since she nevertheless loved Thane, Ciena ensured that he and virtually of Corona Squadron escaped into hyperspace. Following the mission, the Tie fighter pilots were reprimanded for their failure to destroy all the rebel ships. Yet, Piett discreetly nodded at Ciena to give thanks her for following his orders. Ciena later learned that the dogfight was part of an Imperial plan to lure the rebels into a trap at Endor.[ix]

Expiry at Endor [ ]

Bridge officeholder: "Sir, we've lost our bridge deflector shield."
Firmus Piett: "Intensify the forrad batteries. I don't want annihilation to go through… Intensify forward firepower!"
Gherant: "Too late!"
―Admiral Firmus Piett'southward last moments[src]

Piett is killed in a fiery explosion

Piett eventually rose to the rank of Fleet Admiral and served in Regal Navy Loftier Command.[8] Some time later, he commanded the Regal fleet in the Boxing of Endor, where he received orders from the Emperor himself to retain the Executor and the Regal armada from direct engaging the insubordinate forces; Piett wryly cited to a boyfriend officer that he was told the Emperor had something special planned and that the ships only needed to preclude another Insubordinate retreat. The special program was revealed to be the fully operational superlaser, which annihilated two Rebel cruisers in quick succession. Nonetheless, Piett's orders backfired when the rebels, in a drastic gambit, moved their remaining fleet into direct combat with his own armada in the hopes that the Death Star would cease fire rather than risk friendly casualties.[3]

When General Han Solo and his force, who had managed to sneak under Piett's nose in a stolen Imperial shuttle, destroyed the shield generator protecting the second Expiry Star, the battle began to turn against the Empire. Rebel starfighters began to strafe the superstructure of the Executor, which had been personally targeted by Rebel admiral Gial Ackbar, a former personal slave to Firmus' deceased mentor, Governor Tarkin, and dealt a potentially mortal accident to the mighty ship when two A-wings destroyed the portside bridge-mounted deflector shield generator, disabling the Executor 'southward bridge shields. In response to the increasing threat, Piett ordered that all guns on the flagship "intensify forward firepower." This was to be his last command, nonetheless, as moments later an RZ-1 A-wing interceptor piloted by Arvel Crynyd was struck by turbolaser fire and spun on a standoff class with the span. Piett'due south subordinate, seeing it coming, screamed that it was besides late. Piett whipped round, saw the fighter barreling direct for him and reflexively, just futilely, dived for cover as information technology crashed into the Executor 's span and exploded, killing Piett and the entire bridge coiffure and, moments later, causing the vessel to lose control and crash into the 2nd Death Star.[three]

Legacy [ ]

"Piett. You fool."
―Garrick Versio watches Firmus Piett's death [src]

Every bit the Executor collided with the second Death Star, Admiral Garrick Versio expressed anger at Piett's incompetence before calling in Inferno Team to bargain with the rebels on the wood moon. Despite the Empire'south efforts however, the loss of the Executor presently led to the 2d Death Star'southward devastation, killing the Emperor and forcing the Imperials into a temporary retreat.[15]

Personality and traits [ ]

"Well done today, Lieutenant Commander."
"But—I lost all iv pilots, sir."
"They had no take chances, actually. You kept them alive longer than they could take fabricated it on their ain."
―Piett and Ciena Ree [src]

An ambitious officer,[4] Firmus Piett was known for his quick thinking in his power to shift blame for his blunders.[1] After the Executor was lost at Endor under Piett's captaincy, Admiral Garrick Versio judged him foolish.[15]

Backside the scenes [ ]

"You lot tin can't just play a compatible or a single mental attitude, you accept to somehow try to dig up inside the parameters of the part something man, considering that'south what the audiences respond to, the humanity. The response I got was considering of the humanity, not because of the uniform, if you see what I mean."
―Kenneth Colley [src]

Admiral Piett was played by Kenneth Colley in both 1980's Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back and 1983'south Star Wars: Episode Half-dozen Return of the Jedi. Piett is the only Imperial officer to survive more than one motion picture and be portrayed by the same actor.[16] As a result, Piett became a favorite character amidst fans due his unusual longevity over time.[17] Though not originally intended to return in Return of the Jedi, fan postal service supporting the return of the character convinced George Lucas to rehire Colley once more than and write several new lines of dialogue for him.[18]

Colley recalled that when he auditioned for the role, The Empire Strikes Back director Irvin Kershner said to him, "'I'k looking for someone that would frighten Adolf Hitler!' And he sized me upwards and down and continued, 'Aye, I think yous're it.'"[19] In playing the function, Colley chose not to play a single attitude and instead attempted to evoke the humanity of Piett's character, as the actor believed that this made audiences react so strongly.[20]

In Lawrence Kasdan's rough typhoon for Return of the Jedi, instead of being stationed over Endor, Piett was stationed at Had Abbadon, where two new Death Stars were beingness constructed. Piett accompanies Darth Vader to his communications bedchamber, where Grand Moff Tiaan Jerjerrod is nowadays, disabling all surveillance devices. After, when the Rebels are able to blow up a communications dish on Had Abbadon, Piett informs Vader that all communications have been disabled. He as well tells Vader that a large Rebel strength was incoming. Vader then directs Piett to take the fleet and defend the Death Stars nether construction over the Green Moon. Vader too instructs Piett to transport more troops downward to the moon to reinforce the beleaguered Full general Veers, while Vader plans to accept Luke Skywalker to run into Emperor Palpatine. Despite this, Piett's decease remained largely the same as in the terminal cut.[21]

Appearances [ ]

Sources [ ]

Notes and references [ ]


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