Doyou Get Trophies on Easy Godof War


  • Estimated trophy difficulty: 5/10 (Estimated Difficulty)
  • Offline trophies: 36 (20, 10, 5, 1)
  • Online trophies: 0
  • Approximate amount of time to platinum: 11-15 hours (Estimated Time)
  • Minimum number of playthroughs: 2
  • Number of missable trophies: 11 – Don't Leave Her Hanging, Rockin' the Boat, Getting My Ass Kicked, Splash, Hitman, Hitman 2, Kratos' Marble Collection, Stick it in Your Cap!, Seeing Red, Key to Success and You've Got the Touch!
  • Glitched trophies: 0 but see note in Introduction for Vita trophies
  • Does difficulty affect trophies?: Yes, you have to start on Medium or higher.
  • Do trophies stack?: PS3 and Vita have separate lists
  • Do cheat codes disable trophies?: No cheats


Kratos, welcome back. It has 4.5 years since everyone's introduction to God of War so how much can you remember about it? That's really the key to this game, what you can remember. You will need two playthroughs for this game so plan accordingly. The first will be where you should collect all of your trophies except for the speed run. Some people have been able to all in one playthrough but it's much easier and more likely that it'll take you two. You have to start on a higher difficulty than Easy in order to get "Getting My Ass Kicked". If you start on Easy, then you won't have Easy mode offered to you if you happen to die a lot. Some of these trophies you have one shot at getting or they're only found at one point in the game. These are "Rockin' the Boat" (on the boat before you begin the Athens level), "Don't Leave Her Hanging" (when the Oracle is hanging, save her with 10 seconds to spare), "Splash" (in the Temple of the Gods), and "You've Got the Touch!" (in Hades' domain). The collection trophies are easily missed if you don't do a thorough job of searching for chests. See the trophy descriptions for guides on where to find the Phoenix Feathers and Gorgon Eyes. If you find yourself short on red orbs, there are a couple of infinite orb glitches to exploit. Lastly, the combos are easily missed. See "Hitman 2" for a great spot and method for getting both trophies done at once.

Glitch Warning:

There used to be a serious glitch with the Vita version of God of War, whereby the trophies would glitch and fail to pop if you tried to view the Trophy menu whilst the game was active. Fortunately, a firmware update has fixed this problem so please ensure you have the latest legal firmware installed before playing this game on your Vita.


Step 1: Playthrough 1

This is where you'll be getting most of your trophies. Outside of the speed run and the two that become available after completing the game, the rest should be done here. Watch out for the missable trophies. "Rockin' the Boat" has to be done before you get to Athens. Use the guides that are linked here to find the feathers and gorgon eyes. If you don't have enough red orbs, use the glitches to ensure that you get all of the upgrades.

Start the game out on Medium and playthrough until you get to a point where you can die a lot. For me, this was in Athens when you have go over a gorge on a suspended rope. Kill yourself (or let yourself) be killed enough times so that you're offered to play on Easy. After you switch to Easy mode, complete the story.

Step 2: The Challenge of the Gods

After you've completed the game once, you will have some new bonuses unlocked. Go to the Extras menu to find them. Before starting The Challenge of the Gods, watch the "Birth of the Beast" video for a quick trophy. When you start the Challenge, have enough time set aside to complete it. You won't be able to save your progress. You'll need about 2-4 hours (depending on your skill) to finish this. Some you can beat in one try. Others will take many, many attempts. Some challenges are fairly easy but some are incredibly frustrating. See I'll Take the Physical Challenge for videos of each challenge as well as written strategies.

Step 3: The Speed Run

Why not save the Challenge of the Gods for last if it's so difficult? Because of the sweet and helpful unlocks you get for completing it. You don't need to use the new costumes, but they're extremely helpful. You can use the standard Kratos skin if you want to. The new choices give you bonuses though. Chef of War gives you extra magic orbs. Bubbles gives you extra health orbs. Tyconnius gives more red orb (use this skin if you don't already have "Seeing Red"). Dairy Bastard gives you unlimited magic (the best choice). Ares Armor give you a defensive boost and does more damage with the Blades of Chaos.

Skip every fight that you can. If you're using Dairy Bastard, spam Poseidon's Rage (helpful in getting "Hitman and "Hitman 2" if you don't have them already). Memorize the puzzles. If you've played through once already, you'll know what to do. See "Speed of Jason McDonald" for more details about this trophy.

[PST Would Like To Thank olsen77 for this Road Map]

  • Unlock all God of War Trophies

    Collect all other trophies to unlock the Platinum and become the God of War

  • You'll get this during the first level in the Aegean Sea. After sliding down the rope from one ship to another, you'll enter a room where you'll see a glowing blue flame. Enter it, and after the cutscene you'll have Poseidon's Rage.

  • You'll get this during the Gates of Athens level. After the platforming section outside, you'll enter a building and see another flame you can walk into. After a cutscene, you will have to fight Medusa.

    Either use Poseidon's Rage or just use your blades, and when you see a glowing red light come out of her eyes, start rolling with the Right Analog until she stops. When you've done enough damage, you'll see the button appear over her head. After a few quick-time events, you'll kill her, and receive Medusa's Gaze.

  • You'll get this in the Rooftops of Athens level. After completing the puzzle with the ballista (giant crossbow), enter the door you've just broken open and approach the flame. After a cutscene, you'll receive Zeus's Fury.

  • You'll get this in the Rings of Pandora level, soon after entering Pandora's Temple. After making it past the spiked walls, you'll come to a room with a bunch of archers. Kill them, take the lever, and head back into the circular hallway. Use the lever to move the room until you see the flame. Approach it, and after the cutscene you'll receive the Blade of Artemis.

  • You'll get this in the Challenge of Hades level. After defeating the giant Minotaur boss, leave the room through the hole in the door and climb the stairs until you see the flame. Approach it, and after the cutscene, you'll receive the Blade of Artemis.

  • Win the first Minotaur fight

    You'll face the first Minotaur in the Gates of Athens level. Attack it with your blades while remembering to block or dodge its attacks, and then when you see the button appear over it's head, hit the button and then mash until you kill it.

  • Win the first Satyr fight

    You'll face the first Satyr in the Cliffs of Madness level. Attack it with your blades, and when you see its weapon glowing blue, get ready to block, and then counter-attack. Also remember that when you knock it down, It will leap to its feet, which can damage you, so block as it gets ready to jump up.

  • Win the first Cerberus fight

    You'll face the first Cerberus at the beginning of the Challenge of Poseidon. I absolutely hated these things when I first played the game, and for good reason. They shoot fire, lunge at you, spawn smaller cerberuses, and they have quite a bit of health. On top of that, after a period of time, the smaller cerberuses will grow into a full grown Cerberus.

    Focus on the adult Cerberus, attacking with your blades, and if you have magic, Poseidon's Rage, but make sure you don't ignore the little Cerberuses for too long. When you've done enough damage, the button will appear over the adult Cerberus' head, but you won't be able to kill it yet. After the second button prompt, it will finally die.

  • The Desert Sirens are in the Desert of Lost Souls level. Once you enter the desert, walk Northwest until you hear singing. Head towards the singing, and you should find a Siren outside of the temple.

    The Sirens move very quickly and have a powerful lightning attack, so wait for her to dodge, block her lightning and attack with your blades. After you kill her, you will need to find the other two Sirens in the desert. Head back towards the entrance to the desert, and again, listen for the singing.

    For the second and third Siren, you'll need to defeat two Minotaurs as well. Focus on the Siren first, because she'll just stand back and throw lightning. Once you've found and killed all three, the temple will open. At the end of the temple, you'll be tasked with defeating three more sirens. Once they have been defeated, as the cutscene plays where Kratos blows the horn, the trophy will unlock.

    To reiterate, the trophy will unlock after the second set of Sirens, not after the first three in the desert.

  • Complete the Centaur sacrifice to Hades

    During the Challenge of Hades, you will be instructed to sacrifice Centaurs to Hades. There are two glowing rings on the floor on opposite sides of the room, and you will need to kill four Centaurs within each ring to continue. The Centaurs can be a pain, but at this point in the game, your blades should be pretty powerful, so just focus on them one at a time, and if you get stuck, use magic or Rage of the Gods, but you have to make sure that the Centaurs die inside the rings. You'll see the outside of the rings light up as you successfully sacrifice them.

  • Complete the Spike Room Box Puzzle

    This puzzle is in the Cliffs of Madness level. This is the room where you will find one of the two necklaces you need to continue. You will enter a room with a bunch of holes in the floor, and on the far right side, a gate with a lever. Pull the lever, and the gate will open, and the timer will start. Drag the box out of the hole where the gate was, and when you can, get on the other side of it and kick it as hard as you can with . Run to the box, and now kick it away from the camera into that passageway. You'll hear the timer speed up around this point. Now you need to move the box as close as you can to the wall on the right, and then jump onto the box and then jump up and grab the ledge. The timer will go off and spikes will shoot out of the floor. From there, jump across to the vines on the wall, pull yourself up, take the necklace and receive your trophy.

  • Complete the Sex Mini-Game

    You can do this after the Aegean Sea level, after the cutscene that shows you arriving in Athens. Jump onto the bed where the two girls are, and press . Follow the quick time events, and then sit back and learn about the birds and the bees.

  • Rescue the Oracle with 10 seconds to spare

    This is at the end of the Temple of the Oracle level. The timer won't start until after you've moved the pillars and jumped to the vines. You have 70 seconds to do this, and you should be able to get to her in plenty of time, but if it looks like you aren't going to make it, let the time run out or fall and just start over.

  • Complete the Challenge of Atlas

    You'll get this after you pull the lever which causes the statue of Atlas to throw the giant ball through the wall.

  • Complete the Human Sacrifice

    The human sacrifice takes place in the Challenge of Poseidon. Once the cage containing the soldier has been lowered down, kick the cage onto the slope and start pushing it up the hill. Enemies will spawn pretty frequently during this, so the important thing to remember is to line the cage up so the pieces of broken tile are directly behind you. That way, if you are attacked and you let go of the cage, it will only slide down to the nearest piece of tile, rather than all the way to the bottom. You will get a bit of a break in between the first few waves of enemies, but towards the top of the slope they will come at you constantly, making it harder. Once you get to the top, move the cage onto the button, pull the lever and get out the marshmallows.

  • The Nyad can be found in the Challenge of Poseidon, shortly after recieving Poseidon's Trident. Once you get to the underwater ruins, you'll see what looks like a glowing blue ghost underwater. Swim up to it and press to kiss it.

  • Free yourself from the depths of Hades

    You'll receive this trophy after climbing the rope to escape Hades.

  • Open a Health Chest when your health meter is already full

    This will probably be the first trophy you get in the game. As long as your health is full, open a green chest, and you're done.

  • Die enough to get offered Easy Mode

    If you suck like me, you'll be offered this a few times during the course of a game. Otherwise, just throw yourself off a cliff a half dozen times, and you'll get the offer.

  • Collect all the Gorgon Eyes

    For this trophy, you will need to collect 18 Gorgon Eyes. There are many more opportunities to collect them, but once you've collected 18, all of the chests that would've contained an eye will contain blue orbs. Here is a guide for finding all the eyes, credit to Chris A. from gamefaqs:

    Also see this video (credit to Snickle for this):

  • Collect all the Phoenix Feathers

    For this trophy, you will need to collect 18 Phoenix Feathers. There are many more opportunities to collect them, but once you've collected 18, all of the chests that would've contained a feather will contain blue orbs. Here is a guide for finding all the feathers, credit to Chris A. from gamefaqs:

    See Kratos' Marble Collection for a video Guide.

  • Retrieve the Captain's Key

    You will receive this trophy after defeating the Hydra boss. Once you've killed it, you will be able to enter its mouth. Do so, and after a cutscene you'll have the key.

  • Defeat Pandora's Guardian

    Pandora's Guardian is a giant Minotaur, covered in armor. To start the battle, walk towards the giant door, and then after the cutscene, run up onto the platform where the lever is. Wait for the Guardian to charge at the platform, and jump before it hits the platform to avoid being hit by the lava underneath. While it's standing there, attack it with your blades. My attack of choice was to jump, and then hold and hit as fast as possible. By doing this, you'll avoid two of his three main attacks. Each time you do enough damage, you'll activate one of the rockets on its armor. Once all four on its chest light up, jump down and follow it to the back of the room, and hit to start a quick time event. Once that's done, run back to the platform and pull the lever.

    You will need to repeat that whole thing two more times. After the second time, its armor will start to come off, and you'll finally see the health bar. Don't do anything fancy, just avoid being eaten.

  • Ares is the final boss of the game. This battle has three different parts to it: First, you'll battle him like you would any enemy. Make sure to block whenever he's about to attack, and then counter-attack. You can also use Army of Hades or Poseidon's Rage here, to do additional damage. Once you've done enough damage, hit , and then mash as fast as you can until you're prompted to hit a different button. Finish this quick time event and it's time for part 2.

    In this part, you will need to defend your family from clones of yourself. A few things to remember here; use Poseidon's Rage whenever you're surrounded by a lot of enemies. Blocking and counter-attacking is pretty difficult during this section, so just focus on attacking as quickly as possible. Keep an eye on your family's health, and if they get too low, run over to them and hold to refill their health. Once you get to the part where the Kratos clones have the Blade of Artemis, activate Rage of the Gods, use Poseidon's Rage and then run over and heal your family. Normally, refilling your family's health would drain yours, but in Rage of the Gods, your health won't decrease. Once they are healed, keep using Poseidon's Rage. Keep an eye on the Kratos clones on the moving platform as well, and use Zeus's Fury to knock them off. After this, it won't be long until you move on.

    Finally, we reach the third part of this battle. You will be given a crappy weapon, and yours and Ares' health bars are connected, making the battle a tug-of-war. For the most part, focus on blocking his attacks, and then when he stops to laugh, attack with either or . When he teleports away and summons the pillars, roll out of the way and then dash with to escape. Keep this up and you'll eventually kill the God of War.

  • Obtain the head of the Architect's wife

    The Architect's wife is located inside the Architect's Tomb. Once you've managed to lower the three gates to get inside, walk into the room and watch the cutscene, and then go and rip her head off.

  • Pandora's Box is at the end of the Architect's Tomb. You will come to a room with a moving walkway, stone rollers on each side of the room and a ton of harpies and archers. Kill everyone to enter the room where Pandora's Box waits.

  • There are a few different places to do this, but the place I found to be the easiest was right after you find the shield of Hades in the Challenge of Atlas level. After picking up the shield, dozens of basic enemies will come out of nowhere. Using a combination of your blades and Poseidon's Rage, you should get this without too much trouble, but if you just miss it and don't have the opportunity to get it again, let the wall crush you before killing everyone and just try it again.

  • Watch the 'Birth of the Beast' Treasure

    The Birth of the Beast is a video that you unlock after completing the game. In the main menu, select Treasures, and then go down to Birth of the Beast, and watch the video.

  • Max out all Weapons and Magic

    You will need to collect enough red orbs to unlock the following:

    • Blades of Chaos Level 5
    • Medusa's Gaze Level 3
    • Army of Hades Level 3
    • Blade of Artemis Level 3
    • Poseidon's Rage Level 3
    • Zeus's Fury Level 3

    You can do this by collecting them throughout the game, by killing enemies and opening chests or you can try the one of two infinite orb glitches.

    Method 1:

    Here is the video for one, credit to infoman80:

    There is another that you can do at the end of the game if you don't already have this trophy. During the first part of your fight with Ares, when you get his health all the way down, you'll need to do a quicktime event to finish him off. When appears over his head, run up to him and push that button, followed by repeatedly. Now for the important part, push the next button that appears on screen and not the one after. Ares will throw you off but you'll get about 3-4 bars worth of red orbs. Repeat as necessary to get what you need.

    If you didn't get it on your first playthrough but have already completed The Challenge of the Gods, then start a new game and use the Tyconnius costume. You will get more orbs every time you kill an enemy, smash a crate or find a chest.

    Method 2:

    Credit to crzwtf for the video and Blaze Naruto Shippuden for the written walkthrough:

    This Ares method gives you 900-1000 orbs every time you do this, just don't do the 2nd stab and let Ares throw you off him.

    Ares Seeing Red Method:

    1. to stun Ares
    2. Get close and press to grab him
    3. Mash to win the clash
    4. Press any of the random inputs that appear i.e. ///
    5. Ignore the 2nd random input so Ares throws you off him
    6. Repeat Step 1-5 again until you have enough Red Orbs to max out everything
  • Beat the Game on any Difficulty

    After defeating Ares, you'll watch a cutscene, and shortly after you'll get this trophy while the credits roll.

  • Climbed the Spiked Column in Hades without taking damage

    This isn't as horrible as everyone assumed it would be. In The Path of Hades, after defeating a bunch of Minotaurs, you will come to a rotating column with blades sticking out of it. You need to get to the top without hitting any of the blades. Luckily, if you do hit one of them, you can just throw yourself off a cliff and try again. You only need to get to the top of the first column to get this trophy. That way, you can tear your hair out on the next column without having to worry about the trophy.

  • Complete the Challenge of the Gods

    To get this trophy, you will need to complete all 10 stages in the Challenge of the Gods. You'll find the Challenge under Treasures on the main menu. Get to know certain attacks, because you'll be using them quite a lot in different rooms.

    Challenge 1: You'll have to push all of the enemies off the platform. Run up to them and push . You'll try to grab them, but you won't be able to. Instead they'll be pushed backwards. Do that as many times as it takes to get all of them off the edge.

    Challenge 2: You have to clear all of the soldiers and archers before the timer runs out. Oh, and you'll be attacked by harpies the entire time. You'll have magic, so use Army of Hades on one of the corner platforms where the soldiers are. Also use Zeus' Fury to pick off a few archers from a distance. On the corners, get the soldiers into groups and use Lance of the Furies ( & ) on them. Jumping in the air and charging Lance of the Furies by holding & helps too.

    Challenge 3: Destroy all of the pots in about 30 seconds. They're all arranged in a circle. Use Lance of the Furies again. Get in the middle of a group, charge it, then get to the next grouping.

    Challenge 4: You have to kill the minotaurs, but not kill any of the soldiers. Use Apollo's Ascension ( & ). Hit the minotaurs up into the air with Apollo's Ascension and attack them normally while airborne. You can also use Medusa's Gaze to freeze the Minotaurs and take them out that way, but be careful not to kill any of the soldiers.

    Challenge 5: This one is all timing. You have to use a ballista to kill the undead soldiers without harming the humans. The undead soldiers are running in the other circle. At about two o'clock on the platform the soldier's are on, there will be a piece broken away. When one of the undead gets to the point where it looks like it's cracked, hold and pull back on the . If start at that poit, your timing will be good and you'll only hit the undead.

    Challenge 6: You have to make it across these moving platforms in 35 seconds. The problem is that there are archers with exploding arrows. You can either take out the archers as you move or just rush through.

    Challenge 7: Here, you can't get hit. When I say you can't get hit, you can't even get touched. Blocking attacks failed this challenge for me. Keep away from them at all times. Use Apollo's Ascension ( & ) and Lance of the Furies (jump and hold down & to charge it).

    Challenge 8: Gorgons. Lots of Gorgons. Lots and lots of Gorgons. Use Lance of Furies almost exclusively (jump and hold down & to charge it). If you're in the air and you get frozen, you're dead. Be careful with that. Anytime one of the Gorgon's is trying to freeze you, use to evade.

    Challenge 9: This is surprisingly easy. You have plenty of time to kill four Cyclopses. Use the Spirit of Hercules combo ( ) on the Cyclopses. They'll appear one at a time, but you'll have Satyr's to deal with as well. Focus on the Cyclopses.

    Challenge 10: Ready? You'll need to raise the platform with the enemies by killing them. Here's the problem, your enemies are three Cerberus' and two Satyrs. You'll also be on a very tiny platform, so one hit from the Satyr's and you'll be pushed off. Use Apollo's Ascension ( & ) and then Apollo's Offensive (while in the air, and ). Use to evade and then immediately after for the Achilles flip. Stay in the center of the platform if you can. The Apollo combo is the most effective. Lance of the Furies won't work on the Satyrs. Once you get the platform you're on equal in height to another platform, jump over to it and you're finished.

    Here are videos of all 10 stages; some of them are quite difficult. Credit goes to tk848

  • Beat the game in under 5 hours on any Difficulty

    This is definitely the hardest trophy in the game but with the right strategy, you can do it with time to spare. Play on Easy and skip any chests or enemies that aren't absolutely necessary. I'll try to get some time checkpoints so you know if you're on the right track.

    Thanks to SinRG for the following tips:

    - Cutscenes cannot be skipped but they do not add to the time
    - Pausing the game will pause the timer, going into the upgrade screen, however, will not
    - If you mess up, restart from the last checkpoint and the time will reset back to where it was before
    - Avoid all unnecessary fights, only fight when you have to
    - The fastest way to move in the game is do roll with the then immediately press (Hermes Rush). This requires one upgrade into your blades first.
    - In the Vita version, pressing the button and bringing up the XMB will stop the timer so you can take stock of the situation and plan your next move (credit to Blaze Naruto Shippuden for this tip).
    - Also in the Vita version, you have to press the icon of the Hermes Rush so it's + quickly tap the Hermes Rush Icon on the touchscreen (credit to Blaze Naruto Shippuden for this tip).

    Times to aim for (courtesy of SirkSirk):

    Docks of Athens - 0:16:29
    Fortress of Athens - 0:22:32
    Athens Battleground - 0:29:59
    Athens Town Square - 0:37:06
    Tunnel Passage - 0:37:47
    Treasure Room - 0:40:48
    Return to Town Square - 0:48:39
    Temple of the Oracle - 0:49:37
    The Path to the Oracle - 0:52:35
    Suicide Bluff - 0:55:51
    Athens Battleground - 0:57:58
    Temple of the Crytal Eye - 1:14:52
    Challenge of Atlas - 1:17:53
    The Path to Atlas - 1:26:56
    Infinite Orb Glitch - 10-15 Minutes
    The Cliffs of Atlas - 1:43:15
    Temple of the Crystal Eye - 1:48:04
    Poseidon's Challenge - 1:51:58
    Poseidon's Sacrifice - 1:57:18
    Poseidon's Chamber - 2:01:05
    Flooded Passage - 2:08:05
    Ampthitrite's Temple - 2:09:09
    Temple of the Crystal Eye - 2:12:48
    The Hall of Hades - 2:15:21
    The Chamber of Hades - 2:22:26
    Blades of Hades - 2:28:19
    Minotaur's Nest - 2:35:49
    The Cliffs of Madness - 2:41:57
    The Bluffs of Madness - 2:42:56
    The Traps of Madness - 2:58:19
    The Architect's Tomb - 3:04:12
    Zeus Mountain - 3:13:07
    The Path of Hades - 3:17:03
    Styx Below - 3:18:30
    Oracle's Temple (Destroyed) - 3:23:54
    Olympus - 3:31:10

  • Collect all of the Muse Keys

    There are five opportunities to collect a Muse Key in Pandora's Temple, but you only need to collect 2. The first key can be found during the Challenge of Poseidon, when you go outside by the huge chains that are running upwards. Climb the cliffs and open the chest for the first key. The second key is found after the underwater section of The Challenge of Poseidon, where you found the Nyad. Once you've opened the underwater door, head through and up to the surface. You'll have to fight a bunch of enemies, and then break open the wall at the end to find a ton of vases and a chest with the key.

    See Kratos' Marble Collection for a video Guide.


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